The advantages of digital marketing services in Dubai

It is safe to assume that digital marketing has taken over the conventional forms of marketing and is now occupies the primary focus of marketing strategists. The reason for this takeover can he attributed to a lot of reasons but mainly to the technological revolution that has taken the world by storm. Every firm, big or small, makes use of digital marketing and have seen the benefits of same. If you still have not realized the importance of the sane, we have laid down a few major advantages of using digital marketing services. They are as follows :

1. Affordable marketing technique- the digital space is the most democratic of all spaces and is free for all to use and explore. This is why it has picked up pace across all firms and companies. The only to excel in this platform is through creative brilliance and the rest is left to the viewers. An agency that offers digital marketing services will ensure that this brilliant opportunity is made full use of and will pool in their amazing resources to help you with making it’s full use.

2. Very high ROI rate- Return in investment, or ROI as we call it, is highest in digital marketing and that has to do with the minimal to no charges of using it. The high ROI makes it very favorable for you and reflects very well on the accounts. A good ROI can boost up the company’s overall revenue and can help you elevate as a brand too.

3. Very amenable- The changes and adjustments to a digital marketing is very easy to do. It does not require lengthy procedures and approvals to get through. This keeps your business flexible and also open to dialogue. You become more responsive to changing needs and demands and can establish yourself as a brand that is all ears for change. This will even help you keep up with your own changing ideas and you do not have to be set in stone for any business decision. This also makes space for experimenting as you always have to option of turning back and correcting your mistakes.

4. Easy to monitor — The feedbacks and reviews are easy to access and you can monitor the growth of your business so returns from this marketing style very easily.

All the aforementioned reasons make digital marketing very popular and ICS is an agency that understands this nerve. This is why it has established itself as one of the best agencies to offer digital marketing services in Dubai. You must get in touch with them to avail their services.

Few Points to Consider Before Choosing Event Management Services in Dubai

If you have a big event coming up or you never been involved in event organization, you should take a head up and prepare because this is a truly complex and demanding task. It is indisputable that the event management companies save your time and second of all. They make events more organized, attractive, efficient, memorable, and overall successful. But how do you know which one to prefer in the sea of event management companies? Let us help you with this not so trivial task.

Here are the things you should look Before Choosing Event Management Services

1. General and Relevant Experience

When you decide to hire any Event Management Services in Dubai, constantly look for the ones that offer you general and relevant experience in their field. Their experiences should be credible. There has been a trend to even portray yourself as the event manager even when you have organized a school or colony event. A very quick and easy website can have you fooled and is a recipe for a very effective con. Look out for experienced Event Management Services in Dubai. They should have strong and records of various events that they have organized.

2. Background Check

Watch out for those Event Management Services that have hired staff who have knowledge about the event management. They must possess the necessary qualifications to make them known in this field. They should either have a diploma or any degree regarding this field.

3. Testimonials

Any Event Management Services in Dubai Company carrying out exceptional work and interested in doing more should have testimonials from happy client’s front & center on their website. They should be actively directing you towards them and willingly giving info about all the great events that have conducted. But, if they’re not, don’t be shy about asking. Don’t hesitate to ask them to see some testimonials from clients they have worked with. And when in doubt, ask if you can contact them directly.

4. Proper insurance

This area is one of the most overlooked things while being one of the most important ones. Make sure that the Event Management Services in Dubai that you are hiring have adequate insurance from a reputed company. You do not want to incur a loss if things don’t go smoothly or your way. Thus, look for a company that has insurance tie-ups from reputed insurance companies.

5. 3 A’s of Event Management When looking for a great event management company, communication is an important part of the job of an event manager. A great event manager will be approachable, available, and accessible. Good communication skills do matter since it requires you to work with a large number of people. This is why you should make the most out of the very first conversation with the representative of Event Management Services in Dubai. Talk it out with the event manager and see if it possible that he/she is available for you all the time or change of ide

Logo Designing Tactics Your Business Needs To Implement Now

Understanding the logo depends on the purpose that logo is attaining to achieve. Logo Designing in Dubai is a process that aims to develop the logo immediately inspiring trust, recognizable, admiration, loyalty and an implied superiority. Web designing in UAE aims to design a logo that enhances an aspect of a company’s commercial brand or economic entity. Logo Designing in Dubai is conducted in such a manner that logo shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are strikingly different from other logos in the same market niche. Web designing in the UAE helps to create Logos that are used to identify.

Logo Design Process

If you want to make your Business recognizable among the various logos in the market, you need to hire Web designing UAE which will employ various tools and tactics for Logo Designing. Logo Designing in Dubai is the result of a designer’s efforts. Nonetheless, it might look that the logo creation was a simple task, it’s not. Let’s find out the various methods that you will require showcasing your Logo to make an impact.

Briefing about the Design

Before you design any logo, Web designing in UAE will conduct a questionnaire or interview with the client to prepare the design brief.


When you receive the design brief from the client, conduct your research on the industry itself, its history and competitors. This will offer you an idea about what design are suitable and are being used.


After the research, Logo Designing in Dubai will ponder over the facts on what designs are prevalent and have been successful. Our Web Designing in UAE does not follow the trends for trends sake. Rather, we become aware of our research. Because we know that any logo we design will become associated with your brand for a lifetime.

Sketching and conceptualizing.

Logo Designing in Dubai subsequently takes the shape around the brief and your research. Our creative team gets their heads together to become creative and inspired. Sketching the logo helps to evolve the imagination. After brainstorming, the logo designing process takes place.


Our Web designing in UAE takes time to reflect about the designing process. Thus, the idea that have matured will take shape into the form of a logo. It also gives our team members a refreshing perspective on the logo designing work.

Exhibiting the Logo

We present only the best logo designs to our clients. It depends on you in which format you want to showcase the design. We usually work in PDF format. Also, you should show the logo in context so that the client understands what went through your mind while logo designing. This will help the client more clearly visualize the brand identity. Prepare a high-quality presentation to get your clients to approve your designs. We understand that sometimes you are not able to articulate your idea to the client. So, use creative presentation techniques such as musical accompaniment of design or a narrative while presenting the design.

Delivery and support

Logo Designing in Dubai ensures that you deliver the appropriate files to the client and give all support that is needed.

Unique Things About the Arabic Language

Arabic is one of the oldest and versatile languages in the world. Known as the language of poetry, Arabic is a complex language. Being spoken by over 400 million people across the world, Arabic is an important world language.

Any translation project that involves Arabic is a challenge. Only an expert translator or an agency that provides Arabic translations in Dubai can provide the right translation. For, the language has many unique aspects.

Here are some unique things that you need to know about Arabic.

1. Multiple Types of Arabic

There are three types of Arabic – the classical Arabic, the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), and the colloquial Arabic.

Classical Arabic is the oldest form of Arabic. It is also known as Quranic Arabic. The literary variety that is in use for writing books, magazines, and other forms is the MSA.

Colloquial Arabic is the language used across cultures and regions in the 26 countries where Arabic is the official language.

The three types are used depending on the context.

2. Diversity of Words

Imagine a situation where you need to translate a word, but there are multiple words for the same word. Translation becomes difficult. That is the case with Arabic.

There are 100 words for ‘camel’ and at least 11 words for ‘love.’ Similarly, many things in Arabic have multiple words to express. Only an expert translator can pick the right word.

3. Words and Numbers are Written Differently

In Arabic, while the words are written from right to left, the numbers are written from left to right. If you are not a native speaker, this adds to the complexity of understanding the language.

4. Arabic Sounds That Are Not Found In Other Languages

Adding to the complexity of Arabic is the many throat sounds in the language. These sounds are not found in any other language. Also, Arabic words with specific sounds when pronounced differently will give a different meaning to the word.

5. The Root System

Arabic has a root system to construct words. For example, the basic root system for words related to the field of writing is ‘k-t-b.’ Words like ‘Kitaab – a book’ and ‘Maktab – a desk or office’ follows the root system.

A Complex Language

These are some among many of the unique aspects of the Arabic language. Learning Arabic is thus a challenge. Even more challenging is translating a text into Arabic. Only experts or translation agencies with expertise can carry out the perfect translation.

If you are looking for an expert Arabic translation, please contact us.

Four Advantages Of Translation Services In Dubai

The benefits of translation are not limited. They open up so many avenues for a business that almost everyone is going for it. We are going to list down a few for you so even if you have a few doubts in mind, you will know why you should inculcate them in your marketing strategies.

They Expand Your Business

 Translation puts you in touch with many new customers as you will be able to communicate with an audience that does not speak your language. You can tap into an audience that may use your good and services but are restricted in even knowing about you due to these language barriers. In the global world that we live in today, it is so easy to reach out to one another that it is sensible that making these little adjustments can really help you take an advantage of the absence of communication barriers. This automatically reflects in better returns and more commercial gains for you.

  • You Can Find The Perfect Collaborators For Yourself:

The way a business works is through collaborations and partnerships. The exchange of new ideas and proposals can come through from anywhere in the world as ideas are not limited by the restrictions of language. You can get in touch with anyone in the world who may share your principles and goals and you can find different ways to make your business expand.

  • You Operate In A Global Market:

    The global world is no longer dependent on a single language. Even small countries and indigenous communities play a very vital world in the global. So, the sensible way to make your mar in this market is to have different languages at your disposal. You get to establish contacts in these small communities and make your goods and services available to them.

  • Lesser Work And Better Reach:

     There are two aspects to this point. Firstly, you do not have to create different content for different markets. A simple translation makes it accessible to different people. Secondly, the online world is dominated by search engine optimisation and it is difficult to get access to keywords in a language that is more popular. If your content is available in different in some local languages, you will be able to get a bigger and more significant share of the keywords and your content will be more visible.

ICS offers translation services in Dubai and will bring all these more advantages to your door. 

Three Benefits of Hiring SEO Services in Dubai

Hire SEO services in Dubai, if you want to advertise your products on the internet. SEO services have become a prerequisite to any marketing strategy. SEO services in Dubai will help you establish your brand and your business image in the mind of the consumer. A good SEO professional will check your website rankings regularly, assess them and modify it accordingly. SEO professionals will ensure that your websites come on top of any search engine. This will assist you in persuading more customers to your websites and thus, boosting sales of your products.

What does an SEO Professional Do?

The job of a Professional SEO doesn’t stop at a couple of website tweaks or to search around the internet for links. The specialist has to constantly search for modern trends and keywords to create more buzz for the websites. To maximize website traffic, SEO services have to be constantly on their toes. They can’t resort to conventional traditional activities for promotion. They have to constantly evolve their strategies so that they become the trend rather than to look out for new trends.

SEO services have become impeccable part of online marketing and any business starting online business can’t afford to leave behind.

Three Reason to Hire SEO Services

1. Improve the website: Search engine optimization has become vital for websites. The Internet has become a principal-agent for promotional activities. Your website is just one of millions of websites present on the internet. How do you propose to make it different? How do you attract customer to come to your website? The answer lies in how you implement techniques that are crucial for increasing your visibility in the search engine. SEO Services help you in the placement of keywords in the precise place and increase your chance to reach a prospective business.

2. Diversified Skills: SEO Services enjoy a team of different SEO Specialists who are experienced in such type of projects. When you hire SEO Services in Dubai, your website business will be handled by the professionals who will use unique approaches and perspectives to market your products and services online. They will design your website, manage your email marketing and help you in yielding a satisfying result.

3. Save your Precious Time: A business involves too many activities. If you devote your time to regularly updating your content, then that may hamper the core functions of the business. Hire an SEO Services in Dubai to enable the professionals and specialists to perform all the work for you. This will help you in focusing on other key aspects.

SEO services are much more than keywords and meta tags. They acknowledge your needs and try to reach a vast audience to propagate your ideas. SEO Services in Dubai will help you in achieving your business goals. They will be a valuable addition to your marketing strategies by providing multiple services. If you want to enhance your chance of reaching multiple customers and create visibility for your website among the hordes of the website, you need to hire SEO Services.

How translation helps increase your sales?

In this era of globalisation, it is important that you become an international player and not be limited to a particular region or group in your transactions. You have to make active efforts into reaching out to different customer groups and your communication techniques will automatically have to change according to the people you are interacting with. Communication is the first step to a successful transaction and when the similarity of language is absent, you will not be able to take even this first step. The answer to bridging this gap is through translation and you will be able to reach out to a wider customer base through this. Translation is no longer a luxury that you can employ to increase revenue but has become a necessity to actually make any mark in the global market. With globalisation has also emanated a stronger sense of nativity and it has broken the shackles of the hegemonic hold that one particular language or culture seemed to hold and now the only way to reach out to different people is by speaking their tongue and communicating at a level that they are comfortable in. The customers have an upper hand in all business transactions and must be treated in the same way. To make them comfortable should be one’s priority and the best way of achieving this comfort is through translation.

Now that we have an overview of the benefits that such service adds to your business, we can see the specific ways in which they can effectively increase your sales. Take a look at how:

  1. You can reach out to new customers

If your content is available in only one language, people who speak that language will be the only ones to access it. If the same content is translated in five other languages, people doing a web search in those five languages will be able to access it. You will be able to establish communication with a wider audience and the number of potential customers also rises. Seeing content in their language will make them comfortable and familiarise them with whatever you are trying to say. They are more likely to trust you. It is only by forming new relationships that you can hope for more sales and translation will ensure that the chances of this translation are higher.

  • Creates a good reputation for you

Business has to do a lot with having a reputable and is taken as a guarantee of your good will. That is why PR activities like charities and donations are an important part of marketing also. Talking to the people in their own language will make the impression that you respect their culture and are ready to respect it and cater to them according to them. It shows that you are ready to make adjustments and make the customer your first priority. It creates a field for you where you are seen an amenable identity and will go a long way into expanding your business.

  • Keeps your image intact

You put in a lot of effort into image building of your company and the content that is produced curates an image that you want to portray. Translating your text means that something or the other will be lost. Your goal should be minimising the loss in translation. Making use of a good service will ensure that the image that you have made up remains intact and way in which you want to protect yourself is maintained.

  • Makes partnerships and collaborations easier

Business can never run independently and requires some kind of interaction be maintained. Ideas don’t have a language and you can find someone who does not speak your tongue but works on the same principles and ideals that you do. This will help you make deals that are best suited for you and will expand your sales tremendously. You will be able to meet people who share your ideas and complement your style of working. There can be no better boost to business than finding the correct partner and translations increases the chances of the same.

  • Makes you customer friendly

When you communicate with someone in their own language, the interaction is more effective. This is to say that customers will be able to place their grievances in a better way to you and you will be able to satisfy their customers in a more effective manner. They will be more at ease in talking to you and your customer support system will function at its best. This brings in better reviews and feedbacks and makes future possibilities likely.

  •  Creates a healthy working environment

If you have an employee base that is not linguistically uniform, you will be able to have a more conducive and healthy work environment and it will also boost their morale. Their productivity will maximise, and your revenue will increase automatically. There is also a good chance that you will start engaging the local workforce, which is not only a good way to boost primitive economies but also create employment opportunities at a place where they are scarce. You will do a good deed and your work will also be more authentic and reliable. It is a win-win situation on both sides.

ICS Dubai is a translation agency in Dubai that will bring all these advantages to your company and you will see a boom in business in a short period of time. 

Tips On How To Make An Effective Brochure Design


A good brochure is of utmost importance to market your organization. Here we list few important tips that will make all the difference between a mediocre brochure and a great brochure.

Be Very Clear About The Purpose Of Brochure Design :

It is important to note that brochures should always be designed keeping your customers in mind. It is always a good idea to design a brochure from a customer’s perspective. Start by asking then as to why they need a brochure and what purpose will it serve for them. More often than not organizations want a new brochure because the last one failed to achieve its desired objectives.  If they give you a brief, it is going to make your job that much easier.

Pay Attention To The Fonts:

Too many cooks spoil the broth and too many fonts spoil the brochure. Restrict your use of variety of fonts while designing a brochure. In fact, a brochure should not contain more than three types of fonts: heading fonts, sub-heading fonts and body copy font. Do not try to be too ingenious when it comes to the font. Often it is seen that brochure designing firms go overboard while designing the brochure trying to incorporate, they think will look quite unique while in fact the desired result often turns to be the opposite.

Decide Beforehand About The Paper Stock:

Assess the paper stock before starting. Ask your customer if they need a standard A4. Also, you need to ask beforehand the type of paper they have in mind. For example, uncoated paper.

A Good Copy Can Make All The Difference:

A good copy makes a great brochure. Unfortunately, this aspect is often ignored by majority of brochure designing firms who fail to give copywriting it so rightly deserves. It is always a good idea to think about the copy in the very initial stage of the brochure designing process. Content is the king and without great copywriting your brochure will invariably fail to create the desired impact.  At the early stage of the project, you need to continuously experiment with the copy to ensure that everything turns out to be right later on.

Design From A Reader’s Perspective:

Think as to why the client has come to you for designing a brochure. The company wishes to hand out over their present and potential customers. As such it is important to take into consideration the purpose of the brochure. Is it going to put on a website? Will the company hand out in exhibitions? When the brochure is placed on someone’s hand, think what that person will see in it. Then design it from that perspective.

Whether you want brochure designing in Oman or for that matter brochure designing in Dubai, you need to hire the services of a company that is familiar with the nitty grittys of brochure designing. Experienced firms swill design brochures that will enable you to leave a good impression on your target audience.


Are you looking for professional website localization or language translation services for your website? Do you own a website in English and want to expand its reader base?

Do you know that to increase the audience for your website is by translating it into a different language?

Once you have determined to increase the audience base and translate your website in different languages to reach a wider audience. Then it becomes really necessary to choose the right language translator who can offer professional and precise work. Else, it will have an enormous impact on the entire project. Instead of improving your website traffic, work not properly may affect the present ratings.

A proficient, professional and experienced localization service provider will not only pen down the appropriate content. However, they also produce excellent results as regards the complete meaning of the website. An un experienced language translation service provider can localize the website in the desired language, but not necessarily convey its meaning to the prospective customers.

A few things to keep in mind while choosing a language translation service provider for your website:

i) Language Experience

Before making any decision regarding your language translation service provider, make sure that you check his/her experience and find out that it caters to your requirements. He/she should ideally be proficient in both the source and the target language. You should check the quality of the projects delivered by them.

ii) Industry Expertise

Not just expertise in the language, but domain expertise is also necessary for the translator to translate your website. For instance, a translator proficient in Spanish cannot translate both medical as well as legal documents. Every industry has its own technical terminology and jargon, be it financial, legal, and medical or any other science. Make sure that the academic expertise of the translator matches your requirements

iii) Use References

Asking for references can be a great way to help find a translator as per your needs and it will also help you determine the quality and expertise.You may also check the references or testimonials available with the service provider. Further, a new entrant cannot do justice to the project which comes only from an experienced and skilled translator.

iv) Cost-Effective

Sometimes you may find a quality and professional language service provider over-priced.However, in the long-term it will cost must more for your business to have a poorly translated website. If the work is not high-quality, then it may cause irreparable damage to your reputation.

No 1 Digital Marketing Agency In Dubai, UAE – ICS Dubai

Digital Marketing Agency- Ics Dubai

ICS Dubai is a full-service advertising agency in Dubai that has developed an immaculate reputation of unifying brands around a brand strategy that really impacts the forte and performance of the brand. We create appealing, creative and compelling content that appeals consumers across all channels, draw audiences, and increase sales. We work diligently with our clients at every stage to understand their distinctive requirements so that we help them refocus, invigorate and realize their brand’s passion and potential to the optimal extent.  We work collaboratively with our clients to develop brands in fresh, powerful and effective ways to drive sales across a comprehensive range of product categories and disciplines. We specialize in digital marketing.

Our services

The primary job of good advertising is to develop context and meaning around a brand. We build our narratives around advanced communication that forms an emotional connection with the brand and help it rise above the din to make a powerful impression in the consumer experience.

We offer a wide range of advertising services ranging from research and strategy to creative ideation and copywriting to web and digital design to content marketing and customer retention. We are fast-growing, fast-working, responsive and collaborative, and work diligently at all stages with our client to create tailored solutions to help your brand make a deep and bespoke connection with your present and prospective customers.

Brand Strategy

Before we get started on resolving your creative and strategic brand challenges, we make it a point to acquire a deep understanding of your business objectives, strengths, weaknesses and most essentially your target audience. We firmly believe that exhaustive evaluation of your brand is essential for its success—both online and offline. We at ICS Dubai firmly believe that a thorough analysis of your brand—what it signifies, where it resides and what it resolves is of supreme importance to plan a course of action that resonates with the target audience. Please understand that your brand and your business is demarcated by the core understanding of your customers’ beliefs, desires, motives, wish and needs; it is thus supremely important that strategies are developed around a deep understanding of your customers’ requirements and needs.

Contact us today so that together we devise strategic and creative approaches to connect with your target audience at a more personalized level.

Creative development

As soon as we are over with devising strategic tactics and creative approaches to help create brands with distinction, it is now the time to create that distinctive look, feel and voice that is exclusive to your brand and conveys the heart and soul of your business. This is central to our objective of building strong brands that spur growth and augments the bottom-line.

If you are also looking for a reliable and the best advertising agency in Dubai, then contact ICS Dubai to get best plan and quote for your advertising requirements.